Thursday, July 23, 2009


Things to STOP saying...

1. He's SO big! (Owen is supposed to be getting bigger every day. He's growing. Yes, maybe he is in the 90th percentile for his weight and 75th percentile for his length and head size, but that's okay. He's still healthy and within the range of "normal." His size is just going to make marching with a tuba even easier.)

2. Do you like being a mom? (Okay, this one ticks me off. I ADORE being Owen's mom, but if I didn't, do you think I'd tell you?)

3. Is he a good baby? (Does anyone really say, "I have a 'bad' baby"? And my baby is absolutely perfect, by the way. My God doesn't make mistakes.)

4. When are you going to have another one? (Oh, you think you're funny, don't you? FYI - Babies are EXPENSIVE.)

5. Are you breastfeeding? (Is it any of your business what I do with my breasts?)

6. Does he sleep through the night? (This question doesn't bother me, but I just don't get it. Does it matter to you if he sleeps through the night? It doesn't bother me too much. I enjoy every minute I get to spend with him...even at 4am.)

7. Do you miss him when you go to work? (Duh!)

8. Who does he look like? (He looks like OWEN! C'mon, people!)

9. IE (As in...diapie, burpie, toesies, poopie)


  1. I think people ask dumb questions because they don't know what else to say...there are lots lots lots more to come, prepare yourself.
