Thursday, July 23, 2009

Happy 10 Weeks

Owen is 10 weeks old today! He's such a big boy! He's getting SO much better at putting his hands together. He even gets his fists up to his mouth sometimes so he can suck on his little fingers.

Owen has taught me a few lessons in these past 10 weeks...
1. Burping a baby harder will not make him burp sooner.
2. Rocking a baby faster will not make him fall asleep sooner.
3. Singing to a baby louder will not make him stop crying sooner.
4. Feeding a baby more at one time will not make him stay fuller longer. (It will actually make him throw up.)
I've also learned that if you have a normal conversation with your 10-week old at the grocery store, people will give you funny looks. I, however, don't care what other people think. I didn't know if we had cucumbers at home, and Owen was the only one there who might be able to tell me, so I asked him. Owen also decided that we needed Klondikes and that corn on the cob would be the perfect side for the chicken we are going to have for dinner tonight. Others may not be able to understand his baby babble, but his mama can. So to all you people at the grocery store yesterday who were looking at me like I was crazy...mind your own business. I'm sure you're just jealous anyway.

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