Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stupid Signal

Well, my dears, I don't know about Verizon's new intelligence. I mean, it does allow me to check my email, blog, and pay bills online. The bad news is that we have such a poor signal out here in the middle o' nowhere, that I can't upload photos. What's the point in having a super cute baby if I can't show him off on my blog?

Mr. Handsome is eating macaroni wheels for the first time...and loving them. I'm glad we've found something he likes almost as much as he likes Cheerios. I can't even count all of the places we've found Cheerios. Last night Owen found a crusty, dirty one under the recliner. I grabbed it out of his hand just before it went into his mouth. My favorite is finding Cheerios in his diaper. I have no idea how they get there, but it sure does make me laugh.

Owen is cruising around the house now. He's a master crawler and has been for about 3 weeks now. One of his favorite activities is crawling to the coffee table, pulling himself to standing, and chewing on the side of the table. Awesome. Owen also enjoys chewing on his crib, his saucer, the end table, and his dresser. He has three teeth on the bottom and one eye tooth on the top. He looks a little odd, but don't tell him that. When he's not eating Cheerios, he chows down on french toast, jelly sandwiches, hash browns, carrots, apple chunks, macaroni & cheese (my favorite thing to dig out of the carpet), ham, chicken, and meatloaf (he can't get enough of it).

Boy, I really wish I could upload a photo or two for you.

Check back soon...I'll be blogging about Wednesday morning's uninvited guest to the Marquart Homestead.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh he's so grown up!! Crawling!!! Ahhhh where have you been all my life. Awaiting some great pics!
