Monday, November 9, 2009

They call me Mello Yellow

Owen plays hard while we work hard on the house! He likes to look in the mirror of his Baby Einstein saucer, play the music, make the duck quack, and chew on anything that will reach into his mouth.
This is the master bedroom. The insulation is almost finished, and the contractors come on Friday to put up the drywall.

This is where the BEST range in the WORLD will be going. Lowe's messed up the delivery. (It's a long, long story. The managers and people in appliances know me by name now.) Our delivery is now scheduled for Wednesday. See that pipe above the garbage can? See that BIG HOLE in the pipe above the garbage can? That sends the heat from the basement to the upstairs bathroom. Good thing my mother-in-law put a hole in the wall so this situation could be brought to our attention. If she hadn't, we'd be heating the wall and not the bathroom.

Here's Joel putting the second coat on the dining room. The green spot on the wall is where I tested the color for the living room - GUACAMOLE!

I don't know what Joel is pointing at, but isn't Owen just the cutest?!


  1. So we have the same tubby and now we have the same exersaucer. PS ours is "stored" in our bedroom and occasionally Avery will run up to it to push the buttons for music and a little Espagnol.

  2. I love your color combos... and you are working so hard to get this house up and in shape. I am amazed by you both, and that sweet Owen who loves to hang out and play! Way to go!
